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Great Sport Fishing on the Chesapeake Bay!
44729 Lighthouse Road, Piney Point, Md. 20674   301-872-9585   EMAIL US
Directions: |
Location of boat:
16129 Piney Point Road
Piney Point, Md. 20674
From Northern VA, Western MD, Western:
Use I-95N. Proceed across the Woodrow Wilson bridge and take the very first exit - Rt. 295. Bear right towards Indian
Head and Rt. 210. Follow Rt. 210 for about 11 miles to Rt. 228. (This is a left exit, be sure you are in the left lane
at this point.) Follow Rt. 228 to Waldorf (approx 5 miles). Cross Rt. 301 and you will be on Rt.5 South. Follow Rt. 5 South about
30 miles until it splits and veers off to the right at the light by the Wawa. Veer to the left to stay on Rt 5. Proceed through Leonardtown. About 10 miles south of Leonardtown, turn left onto Rt 249 towards Piney Point. You will be on Rt 249 about 15 minutes.
The Marina is located on the right, soon after Rt 249 ends.
From DC and Central MD:
Use I-95S to Pennsylvania Ave (Rt. 4) and exit southbound (towards Upper Marlboro). Follow Rt. 4S
for about 50 miles until it crosses the Patuxent River over the Governor Thomas Johnson bridge at
Solomons Island. Continue on Rt. 4S until it ends. Turn left onto Rt 5 (south). Stay on Rt 5 approx
10 miles then turn right on Rt 249. You will be on Rt 249 about 15 minutes. The Marina is located
on the right, soon after Rt 249 ends.
From Baltimore, New Jersey and Delaware:
Use I-95S into DC and proceed as above or:
Use I-97S to Rt. 3 (in Bowie). Follow Rt. 3 to the intersection with Rt. 50 where it becomes Rt. 301.
Follow Rt. 301 an additional ten miles until it intersects Rt. 4S in Upper Marlboro. Follow Rt. 4S until
it crosses the Patuxent River (the Governor Thomas Johnson bridge - about 40 miles). Continue on Rt. 4S
until it ends. Turn left onto Rt 5 (south). Stay on Rt 5 approx
10 miles then turn right on Rt 249. You will be on Rt 249 about 15 minutes. The Marina is located
on the right, soon after Rt 249 ends.
Cobia/Shark Fishing - Horn Harbor Marina, Port Haywood, Va.
We recommend staying at the Comfort Inn located along Rt 17 in Gloucester, Va. 804-695-1900
The motel is approx 30 minutes from Horn Harbor Marina. Directions from motel: Get onto 17N, to
17Business (about 300 feet) follow 17 Business around to Rt 14East to Mathew(18 miles on 14E), turn right
at Stop sign onto 14E/198. 5 miles on 14E/198 to next stop sign. Turn right onto 14E, follow 6 miles
into Port Haywood. Take 3rd left (Rt 605) after Port Haywood Post Office. Follow about 1 mile
and take right onto Rt 710(Railway Road) follow till it ends. The owners of the marina live
at the marina and asks that you keep down the noise in the early morning. If you have problems
finding the Marina, call Butch on his cell phone at 301-904-8019...do not call the marina during
early morning hours. Thank you.